About four years ago I was walking through a craft store and saw the box of Doodle Looms and I was a kid again seeing the commercial for the first time and wanting them so badly. I grabbed the box and some yarn and went home to make my first afghan. I tried so hard to motivate myself to keep making these little doodle things, but it was no where near as fun as the commercial made it out to be! this was all I managed to do...
Flash forward to two years ago and I saw the Knifty Knitters looms and thought I would try my hand at those, I bought every size they made and more yarn thinking If one was large enough I might make an afghan. I managed some nice hats and scarves, but no way was I going to get anywhere on that afghan I wanted with them.
Last year I thought I had my answer with a knitting machine...WRONG!
I have completed an afghan!